Monday, March 26, 2007

G for Gretchy!

This week's letter is - glitter text
I am thankful for MANY things that start with G:
~1~ God
~2~ My first name, Gretchen, and my mom who gave it to me! I love having a unique name.
~3~ Grace Baptist Church...need I say more?! I have made SO many good friends and learned so much
~4~ Good Examples. There are many Godly ladies in our church for me to look up to, and I am so thankful for that!
~5~ Gracie, my 4 year old "sister-in-law" and flowergirl. She has such a sweet heart, and is always making me smile. The other day, she came home from school very upset. They had been talking about Jesus' crucifixion, and how they pounded the crown of thorns on his head and put the nails through his wrists. She was so upset that someone would do this to Jesus! Sometimes the story gets stale after hearing it over and over and it doesn't prick our hearts like it should. It really makes your heart break all over again hearing it from a child...her spirit will make this Easter very "fresh!"
~6~ Green Grass!
~7~ Glucose and the CAKE it comes in!!!! ;)
~8~ Graduation! Soon I'll be done, hopefully with Good Grades! Thank GOD!
~9~ Grandmas. They always know how to spoil you...
~10~ Greenhouse. Where Jim (My GROOM) and I got Gorgeous in August!
I'll add more when I think of them....hope everyone is having a great week so far! It is Great weather!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Pretty Thankful!

This week's letter is - glitter text
I am thankful for things that start with P!
1) Prayer - without it, i'd be a mess of worry!
2) Partners in crime - James, Kina, Jody (whose name starts with J! haha), the singles group...the list goes on!
3) Parents - who love me alot
4) Picnics - one of my favorite things to do in the spring/summer
5) Pastor Dave - definately being used by God in my life and marriage! (and I think he has a snitch somewhere following me around...he always knows what to preach! haha)
6) Princesses - my 4 year old cousin Grace....she thinks she's cinderella! She really is a princess in my book.
7) and last but certainly not least (JODY), I am thankful for my uncle Phil!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Anchors Aweigh!

Today I bought a hat for $87! Yikes! I had to to to Great Lakes Naval Base to be sized and order my uniforms for commissioning. Here's a picture of my new officer cover! :) I've worked hard for this thing too!

Since commissioning is in May, I needed to get my dress whites ordered. I love the whites because they are so crisp and sharp looking! The ceremony should be nice, it's at Northwestern, where my unit is. The campus always has their pretty spring flowers planted, and the old stone university buildings are very "scholarly".....if that makes sense.

The commissioning ceremony includes my oath of office and first salute. The first salute is a military tradition from long ago. Basically, the new younger officer has to pay an enlisted member for their first salute. It is said that you have to buy your first salute and then earn every salute there after through your performance and by gaining the respect of your subordinates. One of Pastor Dave's Marine friends, Bob, will be giving me my first salute. He is a retired 1st Sergeant. I reallly really wanted pastor to be at my commissioning, but it on a Sunday morning....grrrr!

Well, time to hit the hay, I have another early early morning tomorrow! 12 hours of work and then I'm off for the weekend! YEY!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Important addendum!

To add to my "J" list...a very important person was overlooked! (The list was made after working 12 hours and I was tired, I swear!)

I am very thankful for JODY, the best in-law/adoptive mom I could ask for! She is a wonderful hostess, as she opens up her home to James and I every week. Her house always smells great and is so cozy; she also makes the best food! She is a great mom to her kids and a model wife. She makes friends with everyone, and always is kind to others (even when she doesn't feel well!) Someday I want to be the mom and wife that she is!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thankfulness - The Letter "J" - glitter text

Well, after reading everyone's blogs...I think it's time I started this thankfulness game! Here's my "J" things that I am thankful for:

1) Jesus - did an awesome thing for me so I can go to heaven!

2) James - an amazing hubby and my bestest friend ever!

3) Jogging - fun, relaxing, and helps me keep cupcakes from going to my "hips" ;) I'm especially thankful that I still CAN jog, after getting hit by a car a few years ago.

4) Java - I need it!

5) Miss Julie - someone I look up to!

6) July - the month James and I started dating....awwwwwe!

7) Jammies - I love getting out of the shower and putting on a warm pair of jammies (I didn't use to call them Jammies, but I have been hanging out with one too many 4 year olds! lol :))

8) Jewelry - I think my wedding rings are so cute...and I wear the necklace James got me everyday.

I can't think of any more words that start with J...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ahhh....feels good to be home! It's been a very long day. I was up at 4am, out the door by 5, and working by 5:45. I am at Northwestern Memorial in the same-day surgery unit. I was working with a nurse in the admissions section doing assessments and lots of paperwork. I never thought I would LIKE working a 12 hour shift, but it's actually kinda nice. You can get your 40 hour week done in 3 days! I got home tonight sometime around 7:00.

I work tomorrow also, but in a different section of the floor. I'll be working with patients as they come out of the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU).

I'm off thursday, friday, saturday and sunday! Woo! No class or anything! Guess I shouldn't waste all this time....I need to NOT procrastinate with schoolwork.

Bleh, time for bed already. I have another early morning!

Friday, March 2, 2007


Today I took my last final (related to nursing)!!!!! IT wasn't quite THIS easy though.
I stayed after the test to listen to the answers and I got a 96%! Yey! I might get an A for the class!
Time to start my MUCH NEEDED spring break! :-)

Daily Blessings

About ME

California, United States
Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!