Sunday, February 25, 2007

Who keeps tattling?

I think Pastor has a snoop...Someone keeps telling him to preach about certain things...and the "certain things" involve me!

Since starting work with Bill, James has been spiritually growing exponentially! (OR so it seems) There is no more "I'm too tired to go to Sunday School today," and no more "Let's not go to evening service tonight.." He has been so motivated, and it really is a blessing to me too!

A blessing in disguise, I should say. Lately, he's been stern with me, almost bossy! At first, I was like HUH?! Why are you trying to boss me around? You never used to care if I made the plans! Buuut, after a spat and a long talk, I realized that I was trying to be the controlling one. I always like to make plans, and then forget to tell him...or try to get him to do things for me, when I can do them myself. We had a good talk about our roles, and what each of us could do to help the other. I need a lot more practice in submitting, but I want to do things the right I'll keep trying. One thing I've learned is that it's easier to submit to him when he's submitting to God!

Also, I have decided to quit my job working as a student nurse tech. Time to trust God with our finances...I wish I had quit sooner, and it has really been bugging James that I still work occasionally. He really wants to do things the right way, and so do I. Now that he and I are really rooted in the church, I seriously wish I had sought some council before signing papers to join the Navy! I want to stay here and have kids! I'm really not one for daycare or things like that, so when I have kids (soon) I will need to put them in daycare or something while I work!

:( I don't want ever James to be a Mr.Mom! Can you imagine! He'd be like Mrs.Doubtfire! Haha I absolutly love that movie!

Anyways...maybe Kina can be my nanny for a little while? Can I borrow her for 4 years? Please oh please!? :)

Just a thought.

Here's the area where I'll be stationed:

The hospital is actually IN Balboa Park, along with the zoo and botanical gardens. Soooo anyone looking for a cheap-ish vacation; feel free to visit me! :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So much SNOW!

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There is so much pretty snow outside! I love it! (But right now I loved my 4x4 drive more!) My clinical instructor let us out early because of the weather, I was so happy! I saw a pacemaker/internal defibrillator put in today. I was in the cardiac cath lab for the clincal day to "observe". I absolutely LOVE surgury and cardiac stuff, cuz I'm weird like that, and I ask alot of questions. I feel comfortable working in the operating room, probably because I got to help in a surgury at the Naval Hospital over the summer. I actually got to scrub in and help the surgeon!!!! It was so gross and bloody, but I loved every moment of it.

For my Clinical Role Transition (CRT), I have to work with a nurse for 168 hours. I will be at Northwestern Memorial (YEY!) in the operating room and post-anesthesia care unit (PACU). I am SO excited. So yeah, that all starts in March, after spring break.

I don't know if anyone wants to come...but my commissioning is Sunday May13th at Northwestern University. It's a neat thing to come see, and the Navy band from Great Lakes usually comes to play for us. So if you're interested just let me know.

Monday, February 12, 2007


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Today I got my orders to San Diego! Thank you God for sending me somewhere warm! People might actually want to come and visit! Plus, James and I have some family out we won't be alllll alone.

Now, to work on this monstrosity of a paper! Pray that I can just focus on this....I have a habit of finding other things to do, rather than write a paper!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Valentines' Banquet

What a fun night! I love seeing everyone all dressed up, but mostly my husband!

He was so hungry....and he's more fun when he's full of food. So dinner was gone in a matter of seconds.

The night started with a game. The objective of the game was to be romantic, while reading the lines off your card to your wife (see below).

Some people were romantic than others...LOL!

James and I were at table 2, with the Arnolds and the Sweets. I don't think we stopped laughing the whole night! Trying to figure out the clues to the Mystery of Romance was fun, the answer was "time". We guessed "togetherness", and didn't win the prizes. (Unlike table 6!) Time is important in any relationship, but time with God is more important. I have noticed a difference in my relationship with James by attending church more regularly, and by starting devotions together at night. We fight a whole lot less, and there's peace in our lives.
Buuut, no matter how "mature" we try and act in public, people can still tell we're newlyweds!

The night ended nicely, with a kiss from my hubby! Wooo!

I'm so glad we're a part of such a FUN church!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Haha! Ok, here's another funny one!

No Time!

I can't keep up! The semester has been flying by, and now everything is due! Things that got set to the side, so I could study for midterms...

I have a paper due next Thursday that I haven't even started. I also have a group presentation due in two weeks, and a case study due monday. Add to that my readings for every class and studying for finals...which are only 2 weeks away...and you have a stressed-out Little Gretchy! Yipes! Someone take my blood pressure!

Speaking of that...lately it has been very high. High as in 170's/90's. NOT GOOD! 140/90 counts as hypertension! My pulse has only been in the 40's-50's, which is waaaay too low. Normal is above 60. I've been getting dizzy when I stand up, and getting short of breath. Time to make a trip to the doctor's office. Anybody know of a good internal medicine doctor? I have PPO, so I can go pretty much anywhere. I hope it's nothing serious, but maybe I'll be getting out of military sooner than I thought...medical discharge? :/ I hope not, I don't have the money to pay the government back for 3 years of Loyola's tuition!

Come March 4th....I am HOME FREE! Clinicals are over, spring break starts, and all I have left is my internship! Now, if only I can get over this major case of senioritis! :)
I wish! ^^^^
Sorry I'm not writing alot tonight, I need to hit the hay. Sleep is precious, and the morning comes much too quickly!

Daily Blessings

About ME

California, United States
Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!