Monday, February 12, 2007


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Today I got my orders to San Diego! Thank you God for sending me somewhere warm! People might actually want to come and visit! Plus, James and I have some family out we won't be alllll alone.

Now, to work on this monstrosity of a paper! Pray that I can just focus on this....I have a habit of finding other things to do, rather than write a paper!


Anonymous said...

Well I guess if you gotta go you may as well go to a warmer place than Illinois with our 9 inches of snow coming. I am glad you will have family near and will pray about your paper.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

We will be SOOO sad to see you and James go. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

San Diego is being overan with aliens....illegal aliens. So, just a heads up to start learning spanish. And you and James will have to hit up a Chargers game with me. Not as fun as a Bears game, but still exciting.

Anonymous said...

It will be a sad day when you leave all of us at GBC. Atleast you are going someplace warm. said...

wAAAAA wAAAAA wAAAAA!!!!! I don't want you to go. I am kicking my legs up in the air and screaming real loud FYI

Daily Blessings

About ME

California, United States
Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!