There is so much pretty snow outside! I love it! (But right now I loved my 4x4 drive more!) My clinical instructor let us out early because of the weather, I was so happy! I saw a pacemaker/internal defibrillator put in today. I was in the cardiac cath lab for the clincal day to "observe". I absolutely LOVE surgury and cardiac stuff, cuz I'm weird like that, and I ask alot of questions. I feel comfortable working in the operating room, probably because I got to help in a surgury at the Naval Hospital over the summer. I actually got to scrub in and help the surgeon!!!! It was so gross and bloody, but I loved every moment of it.

For my Clinical Role Transition (CRT), I have to work with a nurse for 168 hours. I will be at Northwestern Memorial (YEY!) in the operating room and post-anesthesia care unit (PACU). I am SO excited. So yeah, that all starts in March, after spring break.
I don't know if anyone wants to come...but my commissioning is Sunday May13th at Northwestern University. It's a neat thing to come see, and the Navy band from Great Lakes usually comes to play for us. So if you're interested just let me know.
I'm glad that you were able to get out early today to ENJOY all of this wonderful snow.
I am glad you got to enjoy the snow and the 4x4! I love all the pictured you have on your blog.
Glad your clinicals are working out. I sure wish your commissioning wasn't on a Sunday!
I'm thankful for all the wonderful medical people that I there when you need them. But any BLOOD grosses my out. I'm glad your working on nursing.
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