My shifts will be like this:
I will work: Monday and Tuesday
I will be off: Wednesday and Thursday
I will work: Friday, Saturday and Sunday
I will be off: Monday and Tuesday
I will work: Wednesday and Thursday
I will be off: Friday, Saturday and Sunday
All of these are 12 hour shifts. For my first 2 months, I will work day shift. For the next two months, I will work night shift. (Unless I find someone who wants to switch with me and I can stay on day shift!) I will work every other weekend, which stinks. When I am on day shift, I cannot go to church on sunday or thursday. But I can make up for it the next week...blah. I wish there was something I could do to rearrange my schedule....Maybe I'll talk to my division officer or something.
Anyways, a week ago, I got to participate in Operation Stand Down, a program for homeless vets. Homeless vets come from all services and from all areas of the country to Operation Stand Down for medical care, alcohol detox services, legal counseling/services, dental care, nourishment, shelter, hair cuts, new clothes (donated from local businesses) and many many other things. I helped in the medical tent and assisted by doing patient assessments and writing clinical notes for the doctors to look at. It was SO NEAT! I actually got to function as a nurse, independently. The doctors trusted my judgement and we COLLABORATED on the future care (i.e. prescriptions/consults/etc). What a great learning, and yet heartbreaking, experience. I just wanted to open up my home to these folks. My heart really broke for them and thier situations! This was the best activity I have ever volunteered for, ever!
Check out the news article about it!
HEre are some pictures from the weekend: