Monday, February 25, 2008

33 weeks down, 7 to go!

Am I somewhere close to the end of this pregnancy yet? :) I'm so short of breath now....sometimes when I go to see my patients at work, they ask me if I'M ok!!! haha Who's the nurse here? But i'm doing great. I'm just too HEALTHY to get extra time off of work! They've actually "limited" me to a 40-hour work week. I wonder who decided that a 40 hour work week was the cutoff. Someone who hasn't been pregnant maybe? :)

Here's a pic from week 33.

The nursery so far...the crib and changing table were shipped out to us from home. Phil and Jody were nice and sent us their crib and LOTS of clothes and CUTE SHOES! :) James' Aunt Lynn sent her changing table and rocker for us.

He's nesting as much as me! I like having him around to put together everything....

Friday, February 1, 2008

January Pictures

Hi everyone! I haven't been blogging in awhile! It's been a busy month. Only 9 more weeks until the baby comes (hopefully it's 9!). We've been working on getting the baby's room ready lately. James painted a light blue "accent" wall. I found a really nice crib set that is light blue/yellow with a moon and stars on it. I figure this will be safe to get early, it's pretty gender-neutral. They tell us it's a girl, but JUST IN CASE it comes out as a boy...I'll be ready. At least with the room/crib/sheets! The crib and changing table are being shipped out to California from Illinois on a truck. I can't wait for them to get here!

Anyways, I found some pictures from this month to share!

Yes, it actually rains in California! But the sun really is ALWAYS shining....haha

James' Aunt Dori was in San Diego for a business meeting, and she stayed an extra 2 days to visit with us. She and I went to Torrey Pines State Park to do some hiking. The "torrey pine trees" are BIG....and this is one of their pine cones....."The Widowmaker". It weighed at least 4 pounds!

Lots of cacti...I really had to watch where I was stepping on the trails! Can you imagine falling into one of these???? OW!

One of the trails heading to "Razor Point."

We found someone to take our picture! I look massive and bloated! :P

I love the look of this rocky coastline! WHat a beautiful day for a hike! This is the view from "Razor Point."

More coastline pictures....I think it's so pretty!

Preggo pictures! This is 27 weeks.

This is today, I'm 30 weeks, 6 days. I'm getting bigger and bigger!

And, just what every pregnant woman needs....her very own Colt 1911 handgun! Haha right. James' coworker is selling some of his guns. Needless to say, we now own this one. Technically, it's in MY name, because I'm active duty military and because of this, I don't need a "handgun safety card." It is a worthwhile investment (really, no kidding) becasue Colt doesn't make handguns anymore, at least for the public sector. Anyways, because they aren't produced anymore, they are increasing in value each year. Guns usually hold their value very well, unlike cars. At least this was what my husband was arguing!

At least I can practice (after baby is born) my marksmanship now. I've always wanted to be a Navy nurse with a Pistol Marksmanship ribbon on her uniform!!!! haha

Daily Blessings

About ME

California, United States
Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!