Thursday, March 27, 2008
It's been 38+ weeks now....and I've been waiting far. Why does this last week just DRAG?! I'm getting closer and closer....Wednesday I was 4cm and 70% effaced.
So.....I've been walking and walking and walking....and taking the stairs everywhere! Have you ever seen a pregnant lady SKIP? Well that would be me, I'm trying to shake this baby out! haha
I go back to see my doctor tomorrow morning before I go to work...hopefully he will have some more good news for me! :)
So.....I've been walking and walking and walking....and taking the stairs everywhere! Have you ever seen a pregnant lady SKIP? Well that would be me, I'm trying to shake this baby out! haha
I go back to see my doctor tomorrow morning before I go to work...hopefully he will have some more good news for me! :)
Monday, March 24, 2008
I went in tonight for my 38 week visit.....hooray for 3cm dilated and 50% effaced! Whoohoo! I'm going in Wednesday also, and if i'm any more dilated, they'll keep me! I am SO ready to get this baby out! :)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Time for a more upbeat post!
Life has been a whirlwind this past couple weeks! I am now working 4 hour days...praise God! I am now 37 weeks pregnant and can't wait to meet this baby already! James and the baby in my belly have formed an alliance against me, I think my bladder will never recover from all this abuse! ;) Whenever he talks to the belly, the baby starts squirming....and my bladder gets the brunt of it.
Our cousin, Grace, likes us to put the phone to my belly so she can "talk" to the baby. Well, the other day she offered the baby some Hannah Montana concert tickets to come out early! haha it didn't work though. Darn!
It's hard to believe we've been out here in California for so long now. It has almost been a year already! I am required to stay for a minimum of 2 years at my first command, but then I am looking for a position at Great Lakes! They have "hot-fill" positions available right now...because who in their RIGHT MIND actually WANTS to go to Chicago? Who actually WANTS to go to a COLDER climate?
MEEEE!!!! Anyways, the person who writes my orders is aware that I want to go to Chicago. Now, if only this next year would pass quickly....oh wait, I'll have a baby....time is going to fly!
Here's a picture of me from last week, 36 weeks preggo!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
More prayers
Mary passed away on Monday afternoon...
Please keep her family, especially her husband and 3 young children in your prayers...they've been through alot and have a long road ahead. She will dearly be missed. She was Catholic, and a very spiritual person. I never had "the talk" with her, but I do believe she is with her heavenly father now.
Please keep her family, especially her husband and 3 young children in your prayers...they've been through alot and have a long road ahead. She will dearly be missed. She was Catholic, and a very spiritual person. I never had "the talk" with her, but I do believe she is with her heavenly father now.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Prayer Request
My friend Mary, with the Leukemia, is not doing well. Cancer has continued to grow in her brain, and she is now fighting on two fronts. She has increasing cancer in her blood again, and it is in her brain as well. She has had multiple surgeries to try and remove the brain cancer, but all this is taking a major toll on her body.
Her family updates a website for her, to keep friends and family updated on her progress.
Please pray for her condition and her family. Especially her husband Dana and their 3 young children. I can't imagine the hurt they are going through right now. Thank you for your prayers everyone! Maybe this could go on the prayer bulletin at church Kina or Ms.Julie? She really needs prayer...
Her family updates a website for her, to keep friends and family updated on her progress.
Please pray for her condition and her family. Especially her husband Dana and their 3 young children. I can't imagine the hurt they are going through right now. Thank you for your prayers everyone! Maybe this could go on the prayer bulletin at church Kina or Ms.Julie? She really needs prayer...
Friday, March 7, 2008
35 weeks
This pic is from this week, week 35. Last week, I had another OB appointment. Baby looks healthy and estimated weight is 5lbs, 2 oz already. Plus, the baby has already started to drop. The head is much lower than 2 weeks ago! I feel SO belly is ready to pop. Only a couple more weeks to go!
Speaking of delivery, I can't make up my mind on the epidural. I think I may want to try natural childbirth...but I'll see how I feel during labor. If I come to L&D already dialated 5cm or so, and the pain isn't too much to bear, I think I will try to avoid the epidural. I think I have a high tolerance for pain...I didn't need any pain medication after being hit by a car! :) haha
So, any advice? How was your labor experience? Please share!
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About ME
- Lil Gretchy
- California, United States
- Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!