Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More pictures!

I've had a nice 4-day weekend/holiday! James' mom came to visit us and see her FIRST grandchild....(she will be soooo spoiled!)

This is what happens when MOM gets to sleep in....zzzzzzzzzz

View from the Point Loma lighthouse....the George Washington coming into port for repairs. The massive airport behind it is the Naval Air Station, on Coronado Island.

Me and my "baby cutiepie"

She's getting so active and is starting to notice her surrounding more....I love watching her grow!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

2 Months!

Lookin good!
Spending some time with Grandma Lorri...she always is such an angel for her...never cries! (I'm so jealous) Balboa park, in the cactus garden


Monday, May 19, 2008

7 weeks

Katelyn (and Kina) has good taste in shoes! Thanks to Kina for getting her these SUPER CUTE ballet shoes! :)

Finally smiling! I love it!

She sleeps in the weirdest positions....like on the couch with her head on the armrest...
I would move her to the crib, but I wasn't going to mess with a good thing!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Oh MY!

WOW! I came home the other day and found a HUGE BOX in front of my door! Katelyn was excited! (Especially when she found all those CUTE dresses!)

I feel so blessed! You ladies are soooo sweet! The giftcard to Walmart will get put to good use, I PROMISE you! :)
...baby's crying....I'll write more later! But thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daily Blessings

About ME

California, United States
Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!