Monday, December 31, 2007
New Church?
After pulling into their GRAVEL parking lot, we immediately felt at home! haha During the service, we didn't need our hymnals because we knew all the songs, and we laughed and laughed during the sermon! Pastor Goddard is so funny! He talked about Christian growth in the new year, and had some very funny examples! If you only go to church once a month, then start going twice a month! If you go to the bar every week, go every other week! If you beat your wife..........beat her less! Wow..... I promise you he is a very good preacher though!
I can't explain it, but we just "fit" better at this church! The only problem? It's an hour's drive north of us! ..........time to move!
Pictures From Home
We got Sofia and Grace some remote-control trucks for Christmas. (You can guess whose idea THAT was...) The Barbies liked having a set of wheels, and the next thing you know, there's 8 of them stuffed into the jeep! We had countless hours of fun playing with these trucks around the house!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Home....only 12 days away!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
It's a GIRL!

Thursday, November 8, 2007
Fast answers to prayer!
The doctors say she's a rare case. They have been giving her chemo treatments through her skull, so it gets to the areas around her brain. These treatments (only 2 so far) have been successful!!! They anticipate her leaving the hospital within 2 weeks!
I had heard on Tuesday that she was not doing well. I've been praying since Tuesday and it looks like God is answering my prayers! (Mine and everyone else's!) :) I love it!!
A prayer request
Mary, a 35 year old mother of two and wife of a Marine Sergeant, has been a patient of mine in the past. About 3 months ago, she was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), which made an ugly turn for the worst. She was a patient on my unit (oncology floor) for OVER a month. During her stay at the Naval Hospital, we managed to put her cancer into a remission.
We then transferred her to UCSD, a large hospital in san diego with greater resources for cancer patients. She recieved a bone marrow transplant there. The transplant was successful, and looking at her blood data, she appeared normal and ready to go home. However, Mary started having trouble speaking and getting out of bed. They found a mass on her brain stem. Leukemia is a beast, but when cancer gets into the nervous system (i.e. the brain/spinal cord) it REALLY is a force to be reckoned with. The prognosis for this usually is not good.
My heart breaks for her family. She hasn't been able to see her children outside her hospital room for months. Her husband doesn't know what to do, and is completely breaking down. Please pray that they will have the strength to get through this situation, and for God to put his hands on Mary's health. I am going to visit her today and try to pray with her.
Sorry for the sad post, but God has the power to change things!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Honey, I'm coming HOME!
Monday, October 22, 2007
If you haven't checked the news lately...wildfires are raging through the San Diego County. Currently, there are 10 massive wildfires sweeping across southern California. Thousands of homes have been evacuated and 100's have been completely destroyed. And today is only the end of DAY 1. So far, these fires are more serious than the wildfires in 2003! There are fires to the North, South and East of La Mesa, where James and I live. One seems to be closing it too late to get renters' insurance??? haha
The Naval hospital has been accepting evacuated patients from surrounding hospitals. Needless to say, I've been a very busy nurse today! Tomorrow will be just as crazy I'm sure!
Please keep us (and the rest of San Diego) in your thoughts and prayers...
I hope it won't be a long night...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
So busy!
They calculated my due date to be April 6, 2008.
I promise I will update more tomorrow, I'm off work! yey!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Catching up!
Labor Day was relaxing. James and I drove up to Temecula, where our friend Tim lives, for a day of food and fun. It was VERY HOT. By "very hot" I mean 112 degrees!!! When we left Temecula around 9:30 or was still 90 degrees! Yowza! Anyways, Tim has friends OUR AGE from his home church, and I really like them. There is a young married couple that just had their first baby (a boy) about 4 months ago. James and I can really relate to them, and we had a fun conversation about ME being pregnant! Or maybe it was more focused on my hormones... haha I'm so happy to have some friends out here that (1) don't drink, (2) go to church, and (3) are positive influences on me! Most of the other Navy nurses I know go out dancing and drinking....and it's not really my thing! They must think I'm boring because I'm married or pregnant or something! Oh well. It makes me more happy to have church friends!
As far as the pregnancy goes.....I think I am 8 weeks now. My first ultrasound will be September 12th. Hopefully they can tell me a good estimated due date. I also got a call from a genetic counselor the other day. Apparently, I am a carrier for the cystic fibrosis gene. They need to have James tested for the gene also. If he is a carrier as well, there is a 25% chance our baby could have it. Please keep us in your prayers over this. I will love whatever God gives me, but I would like it to be healthy!
My morning sickness has gone away now! Thank God! I've been feeling much better lately, but still do manage to have hot flashes and some fainting.....I almost hit the floor this morning when I was drawing blood from a patient! I sat down until it passed, but then when I stood up (after I was finished!) I had to hurry out of the room to go sit down at the nurses' station. No better place to pass out than a hospital though! :D One day, I felt so nauseated that they gave me an IV for the day and gave me Zofran (anti-nausea). I love being a nurse! haha
Ok, I'll write more later, need to make dinner for the hubby!!!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
To ask or not to ask?
My first ultrasound and OB appointment will be September 28th....I will be 11 weeks by then! But I got to thinking....should I find out the sex of the baby before? Obviously it wouldn't be at this appointment....but in the near future! Some people say it takes away the of life's best surprises!
So my question is...did you ladies wait? Or did you want to know right away?
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Any tips or tricks you learned to feel normal?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Sometime last week I started feeling all the above, and then missed my period. Took a pregnancy test two nights ago, and......Happy Anniversary HONEY! We're Pregnant!!!! What a surprise! God decided he wanted me to have kids NOW instead of LATER. But it's great. I'm young, healthy, and able-bodied. I'll be the young "hip" mom! (Kind of like Sabrina!)
At work, I had the pregnancy blood test (serum HCG) done, and it came back VERY PREGNANT. Not just pregnant......VERY PREGNANT. My levels of HCG are 10,000! At 3-4 weeks, it should be between like 500 and 2000. Mine's 10,000! It's been suggested that I am carrying more than one. Wait, what?! More than one? Right now, it's a possibility! Kind of like those two-for-one shoe sales, right? :)
When I went to schedule my OB appointment, they guestimated that I am 4 weeks, 4 days of gestation. So, I concieved 2 weeks ago, roughly? I learned all this in nursing school, but suddenly it all seems VERY NEW to me! :O If this is right, I am due in late April to early May, God willing everything goes alright!
OOOh, time for bed....I am so exhausted...
Guess What!?
Friday, August 10, 2007
Balboa park
Muah! I had my picture taken in front of this building like 8 years ago....I wanted another!
Amazing architecture intricate! I wonder how old this is?
Monday, August 6, 2007
Another day at the beach (Don't hate me! haha)
It was neat because lots of Navy helicoptors were flying around, and planes were landing on base behind the dunes and beach. I think the one flying in this picture is a CH-53 Seahawk.
Almost to China....keep digging.
Friday, August 3, 2007
The beach, finally!
The new church
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
What's new

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Settling in....finally!
My shifts will be like this:

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Date night!!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Hiking on Saturday
Time for a break...phew! What a view from up here! James' red truck was just a speck from this high!
We found the Old Mission Dam...created to irrigate fields in San Diego waaaaay back in the day. Maybe it was bigger at one time. At least I HOPE it's only like 5 feet wide! It wouldn't water much!
See! he's climbing on least this time he didn't fall in! :) haha
A kayak is in our near future....I can't wait to take it on the ocean! :) :) yey! We just need to save a little more for it. This is the one we're getting:

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
Eye opener

Daily Blessings

About ME
- Lil Gretchy
- California, United States
- Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!