Ladies, thank you for all your good tips, they have helped alot. They all make my mornings a little better. I've learned to just be patient and keep my stomach from getting empty....and to eat SMALL meals! :)
My first ultrasound and OB appointment will be September 28th....I will be 11 weeks by then! But I got to thinking....should I find out the sex of the baby before? Obviously it wouldn't be at this appointment....but in the near future! Some people say it takes away the of life's best surprises!
So my question is...did you ladies wait? Or did you want to know right away?
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Daily Blessings

About ME
- Lil Gretchy
- California, United States
- Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!
Well, way back in the dark ages when I had my children they didn't even offer the opportunity to have an ultrasound to tell us whether it was a boy or a girl . . . so we just had to wait and be surprised!
I did find out but not until 36 weeks.
With both my pregnancies we desired to find out the sex of the baby, assuming they cooperated. LOL.
People always frowned upon our decision to want to learn of the sex now, rather than waiting until the big day. Their argument was that of not being surprised. Either way you're going to be surprised - either at your ultrasound, or the day of giving birth.
For my first pregnancy, we tried and tried to determine the sex of the baby, and all three times we heard "if I had to guess, I'd guess a girl". But the ultrasound tech wasn't 100% sure, so it made it rather difficult to prepare the nursery and buy clothes in gender specific colors. LOL. The big day came and indeed she was a girl.
For my second pregnancy, we wanted to know again. And this time we got a pretty definite "girl" from the ultrasound tech. This time I did the nursery girlie, rather than a neutral theme like I did with Hannah. She also had pretty clothes in pinks and lavender, etc.
My advice is - you're going to be surprised no matter what, whether it's at the time of your ultrasound or the day of his/her birth. Finding out now, just helps you to better prepare for planning a nursery for a boy or planning a frilly pink nursery for a girl. And the difference between buying pink or buying blue clothes. :)
Its all a mater of preference- I didn't find out with the girls- but I did ask about Matthew. People will try and speculate w/ the way your carrying the baby- high/low. And sometimes techs make errors but that is very rare. What does James say? The final choice is up to you. Keep us posted-
With Jeffrey I never was offered an ultrasound so we had to wait..Ryan and Bradley we found out and it was good just so we had more time to have everything ready.
You better find out so that I can buy you lots of presents crazy:-)!
I didn't know with either one. Jim didn't want to know, and he said I wouldn't be able to not show or say it... he's right!
Brett and I let Angelina be a suprise. We're going to do the same with this one also! I think Brett said it the best, "There are few great suprises in this world." It's kind of like at Christmas time when you were a child. You really, REALLY wanted to know what your presents were, but by waiting it made the gift more sweeter!
I had a echo-cartiogram on Quin's heart (because I had diabeties) so I know right away that hw was a boy. I think its up to you.
Its up to the baby, sometimes they hide their unsee-ables anyways, fun to wait and see, HUGS
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