Today I took my last final (related to nursing)!!!!! IT wasn't quite THIS easy though.
I stayed after the test to listen to the answers and I got a 96%! Yey! I might get an A for the class!
Time to start my MUCH NEEDED spring break! :-)
Navy RN enjoying life in beautiful California!
Congratulations!!!! I've missed you this week, my friend! And I'm sooo glad you did well on the test, and that I'll see ya tomorrow at the LC!
Good Job!!! Congrads on being done. Enjoy your break
Hooray for you!!!!! There is a teeny-tiny bit of selfishness in me that wishes you had flunked out just so you could stay here with us forever and ever!
Yea! I am glad that not only did you finish but you finished well!
Great job!! I am with Trish, you need to stay here.
I love the new look!
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