Monday, March 26, 2007

G for Gretchy!

This week's letter is - glitter text
I am thankful for MANY things that start with G:
~1~ God
~2~ My first name, Gretchen, and my mom who gave it to me! I love having a unique name.
~3~ Grace Baptist Church...need I say more?! I have made SO many good friends and learned so much
~4~ Good Examples. There are many Godly ladies in our church for me to look up to, and I am so thankful for that!
~5~ Gracie, my 4 year old "sister-in-law" and flowergirl. She has such a sweet heart, and is always making me smile. The other day, she came home from school very upset. They had been talking about Jesus' crucifixion, and how they pounded the crown of thorns on his head and put the nails through his wrists. She was so upset that someone would do this to Jesus! Sometimes the story gets stale after hearing it over and over and it doesn't prick our hearts like it should. It really makes your heart break all over again hearing it from a child...her spirit will make this Easter very "fresh!"
~6~ Green Grass!
~7~ Glucose and the CAKE it comes in!!!! ;)
~8~ Graduation! Soon I'll be done, hopefully with Good Grades! Thank GOD!
~9~ Grandmas. They always know how to spoil you...
~10~ Greenhouse. Where Jim (My GROOM) and I got Gorgeous in August!
I'll add more when I think of them....hope everyone is having a great week so far! It is Great weather!


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

I'm thankful for Gretchen and the bright and happy spirit she brings to my life and to every other life that knows her.

Anonymous said...

I too am thankful for Gretchen and her Great spirit! It was so nice of Jim to come and help Jeffrey work on his doors and windows today. said...

I am thankful for you... G-retchy!

Debbie said...

I agree, you do have a wonderful spirit. I am very encouraged when I see you.

Kris's Korner said...

I'm thankful for Gretchen too. Your smile just makes my day. I'm praying for you in school.

Anonymous said...

You've got a great list too!

Mrs Karen G said...

wow, such a good list, I like, HUGS

Trish said...

Love your list(s)! I am getting all caught up today on bloggie's been a busy few weeks! How come your sparklee letters sparkle and mine don't? I must be doing the code wrong or something. I also just realized that I don't have a link to you from my blog -- What WAS I thinking! I will put it up there right away!!!! You and James were cracking me up last night during singing practice...I'm still laughing!

Daily Blessings

About ME

California, United States
Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!