Well today was filling, physically and mentally! James and I spent the night at my parents house, and got to sleep in. Anything past 7am is "sleeping in" for us...it was so great! Then I made some waffles in the waffle iron given to me by my grandma when I was young. It is chrome and cast iron....and electric. It even has a CLOTH cord cover, so you know it's old! So I made waffles, and then we remembered that there was leftover cheesecake in the fridge...mmm! You can probably guess what I ate next.
The cheesecake was from last night. My family celebrated my sister's graduation and 2 birthdays; my sister's and my dad's. We all went to Louie's Chophouse and enjoyed a De-Licious meal. (an expensive one!) I was the only one to FINISH all my steak and food. I think there's a bible verse somewhere about gluttony...maybe I should reread that one! I was so full.
Today was the graduation ceremony. It was neat because it was the first mid-year graduation ceremony ever. It was a small one, only 100 graduates. My graduating class had over 700, so it seemed very small to me! The Air Force junior ROTC kids did the colors, but after seeing it in the REAL military......I noticed the little things.....the way they don't march in step, the barely audible order to post the colors, the slack posture of those standing at "attention".... Sometimes I wish I could just NOT notice these things! But having gotten yelled at many times in my orientation to the military known as ROTC for sloppy salutes/marching/posture/etc, I guess it's made me more nit-picky myself!
The ceremony was wonderful though, I really enjoyed seeing my sister walk the stage and get her diploma. We never really got along when we were younger, but now we see more eye-to-eye and it's awesome. She actually LIKES me! yey! Even after I tried to cage, tie up, and make traps for her when we were younger! :)
I can't believe I graduated 4 years ago. It seems like yesterday that I was a senior in high school, and now I'm a senior at Loyola. Crazy. Seems like I just met James in history class, now I'm MARRIED to him! In May I graduate and I still don't know where i'm going. Should I be excited? I'm kinda just scared. I'm really glad to be done, don't get me wrong, but afraid to be away from family and home. At least I'll have company.
Well, time to go watch a movie. Hopefully this mess all makes sense!