I am sooooo excited about the snow! There's this great sledding hill by McCormick place that I want to go to....
School starts again tomorrow. ICK! I'm getting all my books/binders together today, maybe baking later. Here's my class schedule so far:
12:45-2:25 Advanced Med/Surg
7pm-9:30 Healthcare Ethics
6:45-2:00 Advanced Med/Surg Clinicals
@Swedish Covenant
5:45-7:00AM NROTC PT
8:15-11:15 Nursing Ethics
2:00-7:00 Advanced Med/Surg Clinicals
@Rehab Institute of Chicago
12:45-2:25 Advanced Med/Surg
Might I say this semester is going to be alot better than the last! Last semester, I took 21 credit hours. This semester I only have 11 for the first half, or first rotation. After the first half, it goes down to 3, but I have my CRT (clinical role transition) where I work with a nurse full-time. Whenever she works, I work. (UNLESS it's a SUNDAY!) I have to get 168 hours with this nurse.....so I think I'll be a little busier come the latter part of the semester! But nothing compared to last semester!!!!!!
Thank GOD I'm almost done! Pray that I get all A's this semester, I want to graduate magna cum laude (GPA>3.70) I'm already there, but I need to stay there.
I'll write more later, I need to get this day started
Daily Blessings

About ME
- Lil Gretchy
- California, United States
- Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!
Sled Hill....pshhh. Our snow is only in the Mountains and it's doesn't have a nasty grayish tint.
"Good cheese comes from happy cows, happy cows come from Califoria"
Hope you get enough snow for a good sled! Best wishes on starting your new semester. We love you and are proud of you! Mrs. Fink
Snow!!! Yeah!!!! SO, how was your day?
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