The title of the post says it all...I've learned how to make coffee and sandwiches in my sleep! With this new job of his, Jim needs to get up at 0415! That's AM for you non-military folks! LOL I don't know how Gina has done it all these years for Bill. Maybe she's like me and goes back to sleep till a decent hour, like when the sun is up. :)
I realized the other morning how lucky I actually am, to be waking up this early and making coffee and a lunch for my husband. In class the day before, my friend Amanda made the comment, "Well...at least you HAVE a husband!" She's been dating this guy for 6 years and waiting and waiting (sometimes more patiently than others) for him to propose. After my wedding, she really lit a fire under his butt about it and now they're separated. Still "seeing eachother" if you can understand it? Anyways, the comment really made me realize how lucky I am!
My semester is going to be pretty busy, but Wednesdays are my favorite day! I have PT at 0600 and class at 8, but then I'm done by noon! I get to spend the rest of the day in Lockport and come to church. It lets me recharge my batteries and prepare for the rest of the week. Also, I don't have to cook anything! Jim's Aunt Jody or my mom cooks us dinner on Wednesdays, and it's always sooooo good. Thank you God for Wednesdays!
So now I'm off to school, I can't study at home. I ALWAYS fall asleep reading! Maybe that's a sign that I keep a peaceful home? :)

Good for you for getting up early and getting your husband off to work.
At least you have a husband.. SNIFFLE SNIFFLE... LOL;-)
Enjoyed your post and that little doggie is so sweet!
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