What a crazy week it has started to be!
I THOUGHT we had an apartment in La Mesa (San Diego suburb), but the manager rented it to someone else!!! The nerve!!! ARRRR! Here we go again. I just want something to be SET IN STONE.
The moving day is still TBD by the Navy, but should happen the week of June 11th. The movers will pack all our stuff (not much!) and ship it for us. However, this is at their convenience and on their time. I just hope they're fast and my stuff gets there before I do. James will be driving a vehicle out there also. We're shipping the other, I think. But he's packing the expensive things and taking them with him.
ME, on the other hand...I have a week of training in Pensacola, FL before I report to San Diego. I'll be flying both ways. Training is from June 17-22.
Now, if I could just find an apartment! The Navy gives me $1600/month for housing, so money really isn't an issue. Anyone want to go on a vacation and do some apartment hunting with me? :)
I just want this move to be over!
On the plus side...I get to have coffee with Kina this week! :)~ and the joliet inwood athletic club is giving me a military discount on a month's membership! Hooray for working out!
Speaking of working out! When I come back in 3-4 years, I want to start a ladies ministry....working out with sister Gretchen! (Thanks for the idea brother Larry!) haha it actually sounds like I am a nun or something! I always wanted to be a coach/athletic trainer...
Ok, I'm done rambling now...I should prolly start my apartment search! :)
Daily Blessings

About ME
- Lil Gretchy
- California, United States
- Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!
I am sorry you have had trouble with the appt. God will work it out. You will be missed greatly, but I hope you enjoy your time out there.
I'll be praying for you to find just the right place.
Good Luck with the aptartment hunting! I hope you will find the perfect place (one with a guest room ~ ha-ha).
We will miss you! Like Debbie said "God will work it out." I'll be praying for you also.
I'd participate like that ministry, "Exercising with Gretchen"...sounds good to me!
God is in control. It will be fine. He has the perfect apartment waiting for you. Please set up your blog when you get there. We will miss you.
I know things will work out and you'll find the perfect place. I'll keep you in my prayers.
I would definitely sign up for the Exercising with Gretchen ministry! Had fun with you guys yesterday, thanks!
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