James & Mark are BFF, haha

Um, this water heater kinda leaks...

Chris likes the guns!

Me shootin the 1944 Mauser....so LOUD!

Pretty pretty girls!

Manly, Manly MEN!

Well, it WAS kind of dirty out there! :) She's so cute!

What a fun day at the Boril's!

You upped my life insurance to 100,000?!?!?!

Need I say more? This is after Marky saw
how big the "exit wounds" on the heater were!

Go Mrs. Trish!!!

Shootin clay pigeons...the thrower didn't work too
well, so we ended up throwing them like frisbees!
It worked pretty well!
Thank you Mrs. Trish for a fun FUN memorial day! I'm so glad we got to spend
some time together! Even if I only heard half of what you were saying because
I went deaf in one ear!!! haha!
I am glad you had a good time! Pictures are great!
So glad you had a good time!
You take the BEST pics! It was a fun day, wasn't it? That's 'cause you guys made it that way!
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