Thursday, February 8, 2007

No Time!

I can't keep up! The semester has been flying by, and now everything is due! Things that got set to the side, so I could study for midterms...

I have a paper due next Thursday that I haven't even started. I also have a group presentation due in two weeks, and a case study due monday. Add to that my readings for every class and studying for finals...which are only 2 weeks away...and you have a stressed-out Little Gretchy! Yipes! Someone take my blood pressure!

Speaking of that...lately it has been very high. High as in 170's/90's. NOT GOOD! 140/90 counts as hypertension! My pulse has only been in the 40's-50's, which is waaaay too low. Normal is above 60. I've been getting dizzy when I stand up, and getting short of breath. Time to make a trip to the doctor's office. Anybody know of a good internal medicine doctor? I have PPO, so I can go pretty much anywhere. I hope it's nothing serious, but maybe I'll be getting out of military sooner than I thought...medical discharge? :/ I hope not, I don't have the money to pay the government back for 3 years of Loyola's tuition!

Come March 4th....I am HOME FREE! Clinicals are over, spring break starts, and all I have left is my internship! Now, if only I can get over this major case of senioritis! :)
I wish! ^^^^
Sorry I'm not writing alot tonight, I need to hit the hay. Sleep is precious, and the morning comes much too quickly!


Anonymous said...

You have a lot on your plate right now. I will keep you in my thoughts and my prayers. I don't know of a doctor for that but maybe you could ask Jan.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

I'll be praying for you. Bless your heart!

Anonymous said...

I'll also keep you in my prayers. said...

Ya Sweetie, I know how you feel about no time! >') But I will admit your a lot busier than me!!!

Trish said...

I hope you are feeling better by now...The high BP is probably stress-related. I'm certainly no nurse like you, but from one stressed-out chick to another --- it's probably lifestyle related. Fortunately, your current high-stress life won't continue forever! This semester will be over before you know it!

Daily Blessings

About ME

California, United States
Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!