Monday, May 14, 2007


The 1/C Midshipmen (The Best Class)

My mom is a blue-star mother now. In the military, if a mother has a son/daughter serving active duty, they get a blue-star banner. It is hung in the front window of the home, and lets everyone know that their child is active duty in the military. There is one star for each child in the military.

Getting my Oath of Office from CDR Tooker. He is the XO (Executive Officer) of my unit. Also one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet!

After getting my oath of office, my family came up on stage to change my insignia. I went from being a Midshipman to an Ensign. That's what the gold stripe on my sleeve means. The oak leaf above the stripe is the symbol for the Nurse Corps.

My first salute, given by 1stSgt Bob Garza.

Just a group shot with the Chaplain (Captain on far left) and the 2-star Marine General who was our key-note speaker (far right)

Me and princess Grace...

Me and hubby!


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! You looked beautiful in your uniform. Job well done Gretchy! Love ya!

Kris's Korner said...

Congradulations!!!!! Nice pictures.

Kim said...


Mrs. Julie Fink said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

I'm SOOOO proud of you and GREAT pics!

Mrs Karen G said...

WOW, you did great, learned something about the star , that was cool to know, you looked beautiful and congates, HUGS

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! I like your pictures very much.

Debbie said...

AWESOME!! Congrats.

Trish said...

Congratulations!!!! Thanks for sharing the pics with us. You make a beautiful Ensign!

Daily Blessings

About ME

California, United States
Here's the short-n-sweet version of me! 23 years old, Married, Mommy, Registered Nurse, God and the Navy own my soul at least for the next four years!, I actually LIKE church, skirts, the color pink, Baking, Running, simming, biking, sports, Sleeping in is a treat!, Not sleeping in means lots of coffee! James and I are now the proud parents of Katelyn Rose. She was born 3-31-08, and has been making us smile everyday!